Thursday, June 17, 2010

Æ: Volume 1

The Messenger and Now Everybody's first Aught Empire project was to post a good idea every day for a year.

We posted idea (more or less good) once a day for two years. Occasionally, we asked some guests to post in our stead. It was a great experience, both getting to let our minds run free to think about any and all bizarre idea, but also challenging us to put forth some idea every day of the year. At the end of year one, we produced a best of collection that we sold (read: mainly gave away) at the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco.

We've taken some time off since then, but are ramping up work on Aught Empire Volume 2 (hence this site). We won't necessarily be posting every day, but we'll be working with very much the same spirit as the first site.

To read the first two year's worth of work, you can stop by