Thursday, October 7, 2010

First things first

This is a simple one. I think it is something that I always knew, but is somehow incredibility difficult to start up. Here it is:

Do the thing you most want to get done in the day first.

That's all. But okay, here is somemore (gratis). For me, right now, it is writing. I always wish I was writing. But I go along the whole day and think, maybe I'll write tonight after I finish my work. But thing is, I almost never finish all my work. And even if I do or just stop at some point, I'm bloody tired and I don't have the energy left to do the thing I'd been wishing all day I'd done.

So up in the morning, I don't let myself to anything else first. I just get to it. Then of course there pressures of the day creep in and sometimes I have to stop early. But the thing is, I started. I got at least a little done.

Of course, there are some days when it is just out the door before you can do anything at all. I don't have a cure all for that. For me, those are just the exception days. Maybe for you, you'd have to get up earlier. Or something like that. Yeah. So it probably isn't possible for everyone. Sorry.

The other thing I imagine this working for tho is not just what you want to do, but what you have to do. Maybe it isn't the most exciting thing, but the hardest thing. Again, getting right do it has its advantages. It allows you to use whatever available energy you have on the toughest stuff.

Right. So like I say, simple concept, tough execution. But it's been mostly working for me for about a month now. So I thought I'd share.

Long live the Aught!

Commitment to Awesome